Khan academy
Useful site for revision, many topics covered with short multiple choice quizzes, keep your score and see your progress. Is a US site so not specific for A level specifications, but you will still find it useful, as it covers How Science Works type questions as well as many relevant other topics.
Love Biology
Online revision quizzes – multiple choice, for different A level specs
North Chadderton school biology resources
Word or pdf files can be downloaded from this site. They would make useful revision exercises. Topics from module 1 and 2 of AQA including enzymes and genetics
Old A level papers
From the old AQA A specification – still have some useful questions but need to check against your current spec.
Physics and maths tutor biology revision
Resources for A level biology revision organised by topic area and exam board. The notes are copies of the Bio Factsheets, and the questions are not specifically past exam paper ones, but still very useful for revision.
Revising A level biology Plants R Mint
Interesting revision packs from SAPS site, lots of applying knowledge and synoptic questions here.