A level
*****NEW***** have now added some checklists for the Edexcel specification.
These worksheets and notes relate to the new AQA Biology specification.
If a textbook is referred to it is the OUP Nelson Thornes Toole and Toole book.
Checklists – these are copy and pasted from the specification. The columns with the smily faces are for students to indicate how confident they feel about the statements. The page numbers in the final column refer to the above textbook.
Notes – these are more frameworks for notes than a complete text and as such have lots of gaps to fill in from lessons or textbook. I have updated most for the new specification (AQA).
Triominoes – these are a matching exercise made with a very useful free program called Tarsia
To use triominoes cut out (and laminate) the main file – the idea is to put them together into a shape by matching questions and answers. There should be a solution file for each one too.
Worksheet categories
Checklists for AQA
doc3.1.1 monomers checklist
doc3.1.2 carbohydrates checklist
doc3.1.3 lipids checklist
doc3.1.4 proteins checklist
doc3.1.5 nucleic acids checklist
doc3.1.6 ATP checklist
doc3.1.7 water and 3.1.8 ions checklist
doc3.2.1.1 eukaryotes checklist
doc3.2.1.2 prokaryotes checklist
doc3.2.1.3 studying cells checklist
doc3.2.2 cell division checklist
doc3.2.3 transport checklist
doc3.2.4 immunity checklist
doc3.3.1 and 3.3.2 gas exchange checklist
doc3.3.3 digestion checklist
doc3.3.4 mass transport checklist
doc3.4.1 DNA checklist
doc3.4.2 protein synthesis checklist
doc3.4.3 genetic diversity checklist
doc3.4.4 adaptation checklist
doc3.4.5 species and taxonomy checklist
doc3.4.6 biodiversity checklist
doc3.4.7 investigating diversity checklist
doc3.5.1 photosynthesis checklist
doc3.5.2 respiration checklist
doc3.5.3 energy in ecosystems checklist - updated
doc3.5.4 cycles checklist
doc3.6.1.1 survival checklist
doc3.6.1.2 receptors checklist
doc3.6.1.3 heartrate checklist
doc3.6.2.1 impulses checklist
doc3.6.2.2 synapses checklist
doc3.6.3 muscles checklist
doc3.6.4.1 homeostasis checklist
doc3.6.4.2 blood glucose checklist
doc3.6.4.3 water potential checklist
doc3.7.1 inheritance checklist
doc3.7.2 population checklist
doc3.7.3 evolution checklist
doc3.7.4 populations in ecosystems checklist
doc3.8.1 mutations checklist
doc3.8.2 DNA not translated checklist - updated
doc3.8.2.2 regulation checklist
doc3.8.2.3 cancer checklist
doc3.8.3 genome projects checklist
doc3.8.4.1 recombinant checklist
doc3.8.4.2 probes checklist
doc3.8.4.3 fingerprinting checklist
Checklists for Edexcel B
docTopic 1Checklist for Biological molecules
docTopic 2Checklist for Cells, viruses and reproduction
docTopic 3Checklist for Classification and biodiversity
docTopic 4Checklist for Exchange and transport
docTopic 5Checklist for Energy for biological processes
docTopic 6Checklist for Microbiology and pathogens
docTopic 7Checklist for Modern genetics
docTopic 8Checklist for Origins of genetic variation
docTopic 9Checklist for Control systems
docTopic 10Checklist for Ecosystems
3.1 Biological molecules
docxMole questionsSome basic information and questions on the mole, useful for non-chemists.
docx3.1.1 monomers notesStudent notes for topic 3.1.1 monomers
docx3.1.2 carbohydrates notesStudent notes for topic 3.1.2 carbohydrates
doc3.1.2 carbohydrate summary sheetSummary table for collecting information on carbohydrates, would be useful enlarged to A3.
doc3.1.2 starch glycogen celluloseSummary sheets on structure and function of starch, glycogen and cellulose.
docx3.1.3 lipid notesStudent notes on topic 3.1.3 lipids.
docx3.1.4 proteins notesStudent notes on topic 3.1.4 proteins and enzymes.
docx3.1.5 nucleic acids notesStudent notes on topic 3.1.5 nucleic acids.
pdf3.1.5 nucleic acids triominoesMatching exercise on nucleic acids, see above for instructions.
pdf3.1.5 nucleic acids triominoes solutionAnswers to above.
docx3.1.6 ATP notesStudent notes on topic 3.1.6 ATP.
docx3.1.7 and 3.1.8 water and ions notesStudent notes on topics 3.1.7 water and 3.1.8 ions.
xlsBiochemical tests flow chartFlow chart showing biochemical tests for proteins, sugars and lipids.
3.2 Cells
docx3.2.1.1 eukaryotes notesStudent notes on topic eukaryotic cells.
docx3.2.1.2 prokaryotes notesStudent notes on topic prokaryotic cells.
doc3.2.3 beetroot experimentExperiment using discs of beetroot to investigate the effect of temperature on membrane structure.
docx3.2.3 transport across membranes notesStudent notes for topic 3.2.3 transport of substances across membranes.
doc3.2.3 transport across membranes quick testQuick recall test for starter in last transport lesson.
pdf3.2.3 movement sortingCell membrane and movement card sort
pdf3.2.3 movement sorting answersCell membrane and movement card sort answers
doc3.2.4 immunity notesStudent notes for section 3.2.4 immune response.
ppt3.2.4 immunity revisionRevision powerpoint on immunity topic.
docx3.2.4 quick immunity testVery quick recall test for a starter in final immunity lesson.
docx3.2.4 immunity word sortGlossary definition sorting exercise for immunity topic.
3.3 Exchange of substances
docx3.3.1 and 3.3.2 gas exchange notesStudent notes for topics 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 gas exchange.
doc3.3.3 digestion GCSE revisionStarter to digestion lesson - revision of knowledge on digestion from GCSE.
docx3.3.3 digestion notesStudent notes on section 3.3.3 digestion
doc3.3.4.1 differences blood tissue fluid lymphTable to summarise the differences between blood, tissue fluid and lymph.
docx3.3.4.1 transport in animals notesStudent notes for topic transport in animals.
doc3.3.4.2 transport in plants orderingPut the statements in order to describe the movement of water through a plant.
docx3.3.4.2 mass flow hypothesisQuick ordering on flow from source to sink.
3.4 Genetic information
docx3.4.1 DNA notesStudent notes for section 3.4.1 DNA.
docx3.4.2 protein synthesis notesStudent notes on section 3.4.2 protein synthesis.
docx3.4.3 genetic diversity notesStudent notes on section 3.4.3 genetic diversity.
doc3.4.3 mitosis meiosis comparisonQuick comparison table on mitosis vs meiosis.
docx3.4.4 adaptation notesStudent notes on section 3.4.4 adaptation.
doc3.4.5 species taxonomy notesStudent notes on section 3.4.5 species taxonomy.
docx3.4.6 biodiversity notesStudent notes on section 3.4.6 biodiversity.
3.5 Energy transfer
xls3.5.1photosynthesisdiagramsExcel file with diagrams for light dependent and light independent reactions, with blanks to fill in.
doc3.5.1 photosynthesis notesStudent notes for section 3.5.1 photosynthesis
doc3.5.1 photosynthesis revisionStudent notes for section 3.5.1 photosynthesis
doc3.5.1 photosynthesis orderingStatements to sequence to describe light dependent and light independent reactions.
doc3.5.2 respiration notesStudent notes for section 3.5.2 respiration.
doc3.5.2 respiration revisionFactual revision sheet for respiration.
pdf3.5.2 respiration triominoesTriominoes for respiration, see above for instructions.
pdf3.5.2 respiration triominoes answersSolution for above.
pdf3.5.3 energy flow triominoesTriominoes for section 3.5.3 energy flow, see above for instructions.
pdf3.5.3 energy flow triominoes answersSolution for above.
doc3.5.2 energy flow notesStudent notes for section 3.5.2 energy flow in ecosystems.
doc3.5.4 cycles gap fillsGap fills for carbon and nitrogen cycle.
3.6 Response to change
doc3.6.1.1. Survival and response notesStudent notes for section response to stimuli.
doc3.6.1.1 maggotsExperiment using maggots and choice chambers to investigate responses.
doc3.6.1.1 maggots resultsSet of results and questions for the above experiment.
doc3.6.1.2 receptors notesStudent notes for section receptors.
docx3.6.1.1 control heart rate summaryBrief summary sheet to fill in.
doc3.6.2.1 impulses notesStudent notes for topic impulses
doc3.6.2.1 nerve impulse sequencingSummary table on nerve impulse to fill in.
docx3.6.2.2 inhibitory synapse comparisonFill in a table to compare cholinergic synapse with inhibitory synapse.
docx3.6.3 fast twitch slow twitch sortCard sort on fast twitch slow twitch muscles.
doc3.6.4.1 homeostasis notesStudent notes on section homeostasis.
docx3.6.4.1 homeostasis card sorts3 card sorts - on control of blood glucose, control of heart rate and osmoregulation..
doc3.6.4.3 kidney key factsQuick gap fill on kidney.
doc3.6.4.3 water potential notesStudent notes on section water potential, these are really old notes and could do with being updated.
3.7 Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
3.8 Control of gene expression
Other including revision
docHow Science Works glossaryGlossary of definitions for HSW words, as a gap fill.
docMaths checklistChecklist for mathematical skills from AQA specification.
docxEvaluation ideasSome ideas to help you tackle questions that require evaluation of data or experimental methods
docxOld ISA questions linked to practicalsWhen revising the 12 practicals you could look at old ISA papers which relate to similar experiments - find out which ones might be helpful using this document which links the old ISAs to the new practicals.
docxYear 12 revision checklistTicklist for checking and consolidating year 12 knowledge.